Did you know we determine everything about you from your voice? If you want to captivate the listener and command the space with a voice that makes people listen, this podcast is for you. Join Internationally known voice expert Tracy Goodwin as she shows you how to amplify your authority with her signature methodology Psychology of the Voice® as she shows you how to unearth your voice stories so you speak with confidence, uncover the barriers that keep us from connecting, and unleash the power of your real voice so you captivate the listener from your first word.

5 hours ago
Circumstantial Authenticity
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
Welcome to the show!
I hear this all the time...I'm great when the people are in the program but I'm not when I'm trying to get them in the program.
Sound familiar? This is really costing you!
Today, I'm talking about what I call circumstantial authenticity.
I think you are going to love this episode.
Also, want to attend my next free Masterclass? go to https://www.captivatetheroom.com/legacyapril/
Want to listen to my Secret Podcast on Authenticity?
Interview Summary: The transcript appears to be a recording of a podcast episode hosted by Tracy Goodwin, an expert on voice and communication. [00:41] The main topic discussed is the challenge that entrepreneurs and business owners face in being authentic and connecting with potential clients before they have made a sale or joined a program. [04:33] The host discusses how the internal psychology and "voice masks" that people use to protect themselves can lead to inauthentic and off-putting communication that repels potential clients, even though the person may be able to connect better once the client has already made a purchase. [12:11]
Interviewee Background: This is not an interview transcript, but rather a solo podcast episode hosted by Tracy Goodwin, who is described as an internationally known voice expert, award-winning speaker, and someone who has taught hundreds of people around the world to make a bigger impact with their voice. [00:41]
Key Points
Entrepreneurs and business owners often struggle to be authentic and connect with potential clients before they have made a sale or joined a program, even though they are able to connect better once the client is already in the program. [04:33]
This is due to the "voice masks" and internal psychology that people use to protect themselves, which can lead to inauthentic and off-putting communication that repels potential clients. [12:11]
The host believes that at least 30% of potential sales are lost due to this issue, as potential clients are turned off by the inauthentic communication before they make a purchase. [11:56]
The solution lies in doing the internal work to "unearth, unmask, and unleash" the authentic voice, which requires addressing the underlying wounds, fears, and stories that are driving the inauthentic communication. [15:51]
Notable Quotes
"I think a lot of times people think about voice. [03:26] Well, I'm not a podcaster. Well, I'm not a speaker. Well, I don't sell anything. Your relationships will dramatically improve when you rewrite the psychology of your voice." (02:00) [03:45]
"If people won't listen to you, you won't get to share your message." (02:30) [15:29]
"We have to do the psychology of the voice triangle, unearth, unmask, unleash. [13:25] And in that unleashing process, that's where all the real sounds of you are. [13:27] They can't get through right now because they've got six layers on top holding them down in an effort to protect you." (12:30)
Kicker Quotes
"Now more than ever, the data shows me that your buyer must connect with you within seconds. [15:51] They must know who you are. How are they going to know who you are or the revelation of the sounds that are buried in layer seven?" (15:30) [13:41]
"This is the work that we do. This is the work that we do in psychology of the voice. We unearth, we unmask, we unleash. And I encourage you, if you are feeling like, well, I'm great when I get 'em in the offer, when I get 'em in the program or when they buy, but before then it's hard. [04:35] It's not really me. It just doesn't work. It doesn't click. It's so much effort. I know I'm pretending. I know I'm faking. Then we need to fix that because it is hurting your sales, it is hurting your connection, and it's not going to just go away." (16:30) [11:56]
Detailed Insights
Main Arguments:
Entrepreneurs and business owners often struggle to be authentic and connect with potential clients before they have made a sale or joined a program (01:07, 05:00). [04:33]
This is due to the "voice masks" and internal psychology that people use to protect themselves, which can lead to inauthentic and off-putting communication that repels potential clients (06:30, 10:00). [12:11]
The solution lies in doing the internal work to "unearth, unmask, and unleash" the authentic voice, which requires addressing the underlying wounds, fears, and stories that are driving the inauthentic communication (12:30, 16:30). [15:51]
Supporting Evidence:
The host has heard this issue brought up multiple times by people in the last week or 10 days (01:07).
The host believes that at least 30% of potential sales are lost due to this issue (07:00).
The host provides examples of how the inauthentic communication can manifest, such as talking really fast to hurry through the sales process (11:00). [12:29]
Themes and Trends
Recurring Themes:
The importance of authenticity and connecting with potential clients (01:07, 02:00) [15:51]
The role of internal psychology and "voice masks" in driving inauthentic communication (06:30, 10:00) [12:03]
The need to do the internal work to "unearth, unmask, and unleash" the authentic voice (12:30, 16:30) [15:51]
Emerging Trends:
The increasing importance of making a strong connection with potential clients within seconds, as buyers have less patience and attention spans (15:30) [15:51]
The growing recognition that traditional voice coaching or confidence-building is not enough, and that deeper psychological work is required (02:30, 03:00) [15:51]
Interview Dynamics
Interview Flow: This is not an interview, but rather a solo podcast episode. The host maintains a consistent and engaging tone throughout, moving seamlessly between explaining the problem, providing examples, and outlining the solution.
Question Analysis: Not applicable, as this is a solo podcast episode without any questions from an interviewer.
Context and Background
Contextual Information: The host, Tracy Goodwin, is described as an internationally known voice expert and award-winning speaker who has taught hundreds of people around the world to make a bigger impact with their voice. [00:41]
Related Events: The host mentions that she has a TED Talk on "voice masks that determine our reality" (02:30), which provides additional context on her expertise and perspective. [03:07]
Potential Impact: The insights and strategies shared in this episode could have a significant impact on the sales and success of entrepreneurs and business owners who struggle with authenticity and connection before making a sale. [17:00]
Follow-Up Questions:
What specific techniques or exercises does the host recommend for the "unearthing, unmasking, and unleashing" process? [13:25]
How can someone assess the depth of their own "voice masks" and internal psychology that are impacting their communication?
Are there any case studies or examples the host can provide of clients who have successfully transformed their communication through this approach? [04:15]
What are the key mindset shifts or paradigm changes that are necessary for someone to truly embrace this approach and see results?
How can someone integrate this work on a daily basis, beyond just a one-time transformation?

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Permission Granted with Unyime Oguta
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Welcome to the show!
Today, I've got a former student and powerhouse of a woman with me. Unyime Oguta is here today and we are talking all about permission slips, leadership and why it's hard for women to fully step into their power.
You certainly don't have to be a woman to get a ton from this episode but no doubt, Unyime and I discuss the social implications around women's voices and how we as female leaders stand in our power and authority.
This was a unique and thoughtful episode that I know you are going to love. Unyime and I go deep on questions and answers that matter when it comes to propelling our lives forward and serving our purpose well.
Life coaching with Unyime is deeply transformative, with results that create a ripple effect of thriving, fulfillment, and legacy. Her personal journey from burnout to thriving, coupled with her professional background, has equipped Unyime with the unique ability to guide women through their own transformations that break generational cycles of seeking worthiness through achievement, and foster a legacy of empowerment, satisfaction, and impactful living.
As a trauma-responsive and anti-racist coach, Unyime offers collaborative, bespoke experiences to every client, underpinned by principles of simplicity, fun, and self-mastery, that will leave them leading a life that feels rewarding on the inside as it looks successful on the outside.
- Website: Unyime Oguta
- Instagram: Login • Instagram
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/unyime-oguta/
- Permission Granted - a mindset, career, and life-focused show for ambitious, purpose-driven woman who is ready to create a life where her career success, inner peace, and fulfilling personal relationships are the vibe. https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/permission-granted-with-unyime-oguta/id1540673480

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Wounded Voice
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Welcome to the show.
The work I do is not about adding technique, it's about healing wounds that have created masks of sounds that are costing you.
Masks are sounds, masks come from stories, stories come from wounds.
It's the sounds that are ultimately costing you but in order to truly eradicate them and find your authentic voice we have to go to the why behind the why behind the why...that's where we find the wound.
That's what I'm talking about today, this is the work!
Follow me on Instagram: @captivatetheroom
Follow me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CaptivateTheRoom

Monday Jan 20, 2025
A Voice Story
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Welcome to the show!
This week I go back to the beginning, the beginning of my story and the story of how I created Psychology of the Voice.
In this episode, I share how I was beaten up in a play and how that affected everything in my voice.
The story is not graphic but it I was beaten.
If you find that you need assistance with any kind of violence, domestic or otherwise, I've listed several resources below.
Every voice matters and everyone needs to be heard.
If 2025 is the year you are ready to find your voice, send me an email tracy@captivatetheroom.com or check out these resources below.
Follow me on Social:
Instagram @captivatetheroom
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/captivatetheroom
Tik-Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@captivatetheroom
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracyagoodwin/
Violence resources
VictimConnect Resource Center by phone or text 1-855-4VICTIM (855-484-2846) or chat online.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
How you want to sound vs. how you do!
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Welcome to the show!
Today I'm doing a micro voice audit with Ashley M. I love this conversation because this is so common for so many of my students.
I think I sound like X or I want to sound like X but I sound like Y.
This is huge and the VERY reason you can't just go think your way through changing your Psychology of the Voice.
This is the deep work.
The really deep work and it's important work.
Now more than ever because your ideal clients are seeking sounds, they are seeking connection and authenticity, they are seeking you.
Would you be interested in a 20-minute micro voice audit to find out how you are being processed in the subconscious of your listener? Just send over an email to tracy@captivatetheroom.com

Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Seeking Connection and Authenticity
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Welcome to the show!
Today's consumer is seeking real connection and authenticity in an AI world. What I find is, people understand the concept of connection and authenticity but often don't know how to dish it up or that it actually happens in their voice...or not.
In today's episode I'll be addressing the why behind the critical need to connect and reveal your authentic voice. Stay tuned, I'll do a part two to tell you much more about the how.
Join me live on June 12th at 1pm EDT for my next free masterclass.

Saturday Nov 09, 2024
It's in Your Voice
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Welcome to the show!
You've done the work, and it's been hard and you have moved your life forward and here I come telling you I can hear a wound. It's infuriating for many of my client's. But, here's what I want you to know...you can do the work, that's clear to me but the wound healed or unhealed MUST be moved out of your voice as well.
In Psychology of the Voice, I look at the internal and the external, they are connected and both must be dealt with. In today's episode I'm working with Mica on the healed wounds that are still in her voice.
If you want to make a bigger impact with your message and move the wounds out of your voice, then join me for the upcoming Voice Experience https://www.captivatetheroom.com/experience

Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Creating an Audio Book with Rosalyn Rourke
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Welcome to the show!
Today you are in for quite a treat as I've got something totally different for you. In today's episode I'm doing some live coaching with Rosalyn Rourke on her audio book.
Audio book sales are a huge part of the overall revenue when it comes to selling book but having a voice that makes people want to listen is critical.
The number of times I've heard from people that they could not listen to the audiobook of a book they longed to hear but they just couldn't because of the reader's voice.
When I coach someone in putting a book on audio it is the same methodology, Psychology of the Voice.
If a reader performs, or has no inflection people won't be able to connect or listen.
If a reader is over or under done, the audience won't be able to stay with them. There are a million nuances I find in a voice but especially in doing work like I'm doing today with Rosalyn.
I know you are going to love this episode!
Make sure you join me and Sara Connell for our upcoming Your $1 Million Dollar Talk Free Training on 2/7/24
You can register here: https://www.saraconnell.com/your-1m-talk-masterclass-feb-2024
Guest Bio
Best-selling author Rosalyn Rourke, MSW, has worked deeply in the field of mental health and trauma therapy as a psychotherapist. With a Master's degree from Smith College School for Social Work in 1973, she embarked on a distinguished career that included supervisory roles in Yale Psychiatric Facilities. Her expertise further expanded as she immersed herself in trauma work, particularly Eye Movement Desensitization Reprogramming (EMDR), a highly effective PTSD treatment. In 1995, she pursued advanced training in eating disorders, focusing on binge eating and body dysmorphia.
An avid learner, Rosalyn's professional and personal journey into transformation led her to the Enneagram, where she studied under renowned mentors such as Tom Condon, Don Riso and Russ Hudson, among others. Her influential work extends to the literary realm with her best-selling book, "When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom." Rosalyn continues to inspire and empower individuals on their path to self-discovery and freedom as a Oneness Coach. To join Rosalyn in breaking free from intergenerational trauma, contact her at rosalynrourke.com

Sunday Oct 27, 2024
People Pleasing and Sales
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
You aren’t a people pleaser? You'll still learn a ton in this week’s episode including what sounds are working against you when it comes to connecting with your buyer, how they are processing you, and the experience you will create for them... plus so much more.
If you are a people pleaser, listen up… there are sounds that are coming out of your voice that are costing you revenue.
A number of specific sounds I hear in people pleaser’s voice actually tell the buyer not to buy.
If you are the expert, why are you asking my permission? You aren’t… well, there is a sound in your voice that lilt’s up at the end of your sentences and that makes me think you are asking me.
Bothering people? Is that a concern of yours? Well, it’s in your voice.
What people don’t realize is that selling is not just about the words, the offer, it’s about the connection, the feeling, the experience and ALL of that happens in the voice.
In this week’s episode of the Captivate the Room podcast, I’ll be breaking down how the people pleasing mask hurts your sales.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
The TEDx Experience
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Welcome to the show!
Today, I'm walking you through the entire TEDx experience from start to finish. How did I get a TEDx, what was it like to write the talk, how was it standing on the red circle and so much more. My experience was phenomenal but there are some unexpected twists and turns that I'm sharing with you.
If you've ever thought about doing a TEDx you don't want to miss this episode but honestly, if you ever have to give any kind of presentation or update or do a video, this episode has plenty for you!
If you'd like to watch my TEDx talk 6 Voice Masks that Determine Your Reality you can listen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKuWYgAYsXg
Did you grab your copy of the Use Your Voice to Command Any Space you can get it at https://www.captivatetheroom.com/command